To use this skill the player cannot be in a wide zone or on the line of scrimmage. Kick: When kicking the ball to the opposing team, after rolling for scatter, you may choose to halve (rounding down) the number of squares the ball scatters.This skill cannot be taken by a player with the Grab skill. In addition, they must make a second block against the same opponent if the first result was Pushed Back. Frenzy: A player with Frenzy must always follow up after throwing a Block at an opposing player.Fend: Opposing players may not follow up blocks made against this player, even if the player with Fend is knocked down.Dirty Player: Add 1 to an Armor or Injury roll made by a player with this skill when they make a Foul.If the result is higher than the opponents strength, the block is made as if the strength scores were equal. Dauntless: If the player attempts to block an opponent with a higher strength score they may roll a d6 adding their own strength.Block: While blocking or being blocked, the player is not Knocked Down on a Both Down Result.